MISD Facility Rental Policy and Additional Pricing

MISD Facility Rental Policy

1.    The District may cancel a scheduled non-school use if an unexpected conflict arises with a District activity.

2.    The District may revoke its permission to use the facility at any time it is determined that a group’s use damages or threatens to damage school property or violates Board policy and/or administrative regulations.

3.    The Lessee will abide by all laws and District policies, including those prohibiting the use, sale, or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, firearms, tobacco products, and e-cigarettes on District property.

4.    The Lessee accepts full responsibility for protecting school property and equipment and assumes any and all liability for repairs or replacement or for any damage done to buildings, equipment, or other school property used by the Lessee.

5.    The Lessee also assumes full responsibility for the conduct of any and all persons using the facility during the rental.

6.    The Lessee agrees to assume all liability and hold harmless and indemnify the District, its Board members, employees, and agents from any and all liability arising out of the Lessee’s use of District facilities.

7.    The Lessee will furnish evidence of liability insurance coverage for the event and will name the District as an additional insured on the policy as specified by the District.

8.    The Lessee understands and accepts that the District’s insurance provides no coverage for the Lessee or any other user other than the District.

9.    The Lessee will exercise due diligence to not send employees or volunteers to work inside any District building(s) if they have a conviction or a history of deferred adjudication for any crime that may pose a serious potential risk of injury to students or other persons working in or visiting in the building(s). It is the Lessee’s responsibility to determine the best way to exercise due diligence.


MISD will not approve Rental Requests during Student Holidays


Pricing - Additional Information

Memorial Stadium Non-Athletic Use
Tier 1 $500.00
Tier 2 $250.00
Football Playoff Game
Tier 1 $5,000.00
Tier 2 N/A
Tier 3 N/A
Football/Track Competition
Tier 1 $2,000.00
Tier 2 $1,500.00
Tier 3 N/A
Tier 1 $1,200.00
Tier 2 $800.00
Tier 3 N/A
Softball (per field/game)
Tier 1 $500.00
Tier 2 $400.00
Tier 3 N/A
Softball Tournament (per field)
Tier 1 $1,000.00
Tier 2 $800.00
Tier 3 N/A

Baseball (per field/game)
Tier 1 $500.00
Tier 2 $400.00
Tier 3 N/A

Baseball Tournament (per field)
Tier 1 $1,000.00
Tier 2 $800.00
Tier 3 N/A
3 game Softball or Baseball Series
Tier 1 & Tier 2 $300/game
Tier 3 N/A
Tennis Courts
Tier 1 $800.00
Tier 2 $400.00
Tier 3 N/A
All Facilities 

Professional Staff Member (per hour)
Tier 1 & Tier 2 $30.00

Maintenance/Custodial Worker (per hour)
Tier 1 & Tier 2 $30.00
MISD Police Officer (per hour)
Tier 1 & Tier 2 $45.00
PAC Theater Personnel (per hour)
Tier 1 & Tier 2 $30.00

***Any usage of outdoor lights will result in an hourly increase of:

Time Keeper(s), Scorer(s), Ticket Seller(s), Ticket Taker(s), and other required staff not included must be negotiated with the Athletics Office.
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